A profound thing happened in my life last week. I was the lucky recipient of a SCOPE award – recognition from the Selkirk College Faculty Association (SCFA) Standing Committee On Professional Excellence. I got to share this honour with 3 tremendously accomplished colleagues. I’m still trying to metabolize being a SCOPE recipient. It puts me…
Category: blog
Morning meditation
I’ve been thinking a lot about loss. There is so much loss in so many of my friends’ and family members’ lives right now. Loss is so universal and so incredibly, exquisitely personal at the same time. I sat in the garden this morning with my paints for the first time in a long time,…
Bridging Rural Homelessness and Well-Being Summit: Personal Reflections and Graphic Recording
Graphic recording takes me into some of the most amazing rooms. I’ll be forever grateful for the opportunities that this work affords me, for sure. What follows here are my personal takeaways, not to be confused with official report out. This week I got to be a willing listener to 140 or so people as…
Engaging Beyond Words – Online Workshop
Amanda, Michelle and I had a meeting yesterday and have opted to push our Hybrid workshop fully online! The good news for you is that we’ve extended the early bird pricing – we’re cooking up some serious fun! You can learn more and register at Michelle’s website. Can’t wait to see you! It’s going to…
Curiosity about the future of an increasingly AI created internet
I’ve been reading and thinking a lot about the future of the internet due to AI language models like ChatGPT and AI image generators, particularly with the new release of ChatGPT4 (subscription only currently) with increased ‘learning’ capacity. The new version can acquire information from images and video, as well as “caption, classify, and analyze…
Engaging Beyond Words
We’re gearing up to do something interesting and new. . . a one-day hybrid workshop about visual processes! Michelle Laurie is leading the charge, with Amanda Fenton and I in support. Amanda is going to take care of the online spaces, I’ll be bridging between in-person and online while Michelle leads us in the physical…
Games and Community
I get to do something pretty cool next week alongside some people who matter a lot to me. My dear friend’s daughter is the speaker for an upcoming Mir Peace Cafe session called “Building Empowered Community through Play”. Avery Alder is the speaker and we will have an opportunity to co-create our own ad-hoc game…
Exciting developments – graphic facilitation trainings are returning!
I’m so excited! Michelle Laurie has started the wheels turning towards a new RosViz graphic facilitation and visual processes training workshop. . .and I get to play, too! We’re working out the details behind the scenes right now, but we’ll put out a large scale announcement once there’s more to tell. Yay! I can’t wait…
AI Musings on a Snowy Tuesday
Each time I log into my website to work on the back end, I have to complete a captcha and check a box to ‘prove’ that I’m human. I’ve always had confidence that humans – not computers – are capable of certain things – particularly when it comes to art, writing creatively, and other generative,…
Home and slowly integrating it all
It seems that I find myself back here every so often having had a BIG experience. Last week was certainly that. I attended the BCANDS Indigenous Disability Canada’s 2022 Indigenous Disability and Wellness Gathering in Victoria, BC. It was three intense days of presentation, mostly done ‘fireside chat/panel’ style. The beauty of this way of…