I’ve been thinking a lot about loss. There is so much loss in so many of my friends’ and family members’ lives right now. Loss is so universal and so incredibly, exquisitely personal at the same time. I sat in the garden this morning with my paints for the first time in a long time,…
Tag: personal
Bridging Rural Homelessness and Well-Being Summit: Personal Reflections and Graphic Recording
Graphic recording takes me into some of the most amazing rooms. I’ll be forever grateful for the opportunities that this work affords me, for sure. What follows here are my personal takeaways, not to be confused with official report out. This week I got to be a willing listener to 140 or so people as…
Curiosity about the future of an increasingly AI created internet
I’ve been reading and thinking a lot about the future of the internet due to AI language models like ChatGPT and AI image generators, particularly with the new release of ChatGPT4 (subscription only currently) with increased ‘learning’ capacity. The new version can acquire information from images and video, as well as “caption, classify, and analyze…
Games and Community
I get to do something pretty cool next week alongside some people who matter a lot to me. My dear friend’s daughter is the speaker for an upcoming Mir Peace Cafe session called “Building Empowered Community through Play”. Avery Alder is the speaker and we will have an opportunity to co-create our own ad-hoc game…
A year ago, today and a little about being present.
This past week has marked a year since I was in France, with Nomadways, working with an amazing and inspiring group of people talking and learning about storytelling. At the outset of the residency, we were each given a small notebook to keep track of our days, make notes, write, draw and dream in. I…
Thank you for taking time to talk.
Thank you so much to all of you who wrote to me to talk about my last post. It made me realize how much I’ve missed the blogging world of over a decade ago when we’d have real discussions in the comments sections and through private messaging. I’m endeavoring to breathe life back into my…
Change is the only constant.
It really is. Change sweeps us up and pushes us along. It’s funny, after 45 I thought my identity was pretty much fully formed. I’ve been a wife, I am a Mom, a Friend, and an Artist, among many other things. A big thing I’ve been over the past 10-ish years is an Education Assistant…
Other projects – words and games
Well, scheduled posting is a great thing. While it seems like I’ve been here all week creating new posts about our time in Bernay-en-Ponthieu, the reality of my life has involved a lot of cleaning my basement. The flood has now been diverted, thanks to a lot of help from a dear friend, and my…
Update from the bucket brigade…
I’ve been back in Canada a little over a week now, settling in to regular life again with a few bumps along the way – the biggest one being that my basement has been taking on water for 8 days now. Crazy. I’ve got a sump-pump running down there to keep things as dry as…
Day 8
Today we did a comic workshop in the morning…a page based on a childhood anecdote.