(Obligatory statement: These are not meant to be a perfect replica of an N95 mask. They’re my attempt at making something useful in times of change, and my sharing it here is to help others who are interested in making masks, too. Please know that these will not take the place of careful hygiene, hand…
Tag: sewing
Sample Home-Sewn Mask in Light of COVID-19
(Obligatory statement: This is not a medical grade mask. It is an attempt at making something that will be useful for a trip to the grocery store. Please continue to hand wash, to social distance, and to stay home as much as possible – that’s how we’re really going to slow this thing!) So, the…
Fabric choices for home-sewn masks in light of COVID-19
Well, I haven’t found myself writing a tutorial in a long time. Drew got me going with researching fabrics and patterns after he came across some good information about home-sewn masks. Earlier today I posted a little experimentation done with fabrics to ensure that they can be sterilized – you can find that post below….