Amanda, Michelle and I had a meeting yesterday and have opted to push our Hybrid workshop fully online! The good news for you is that we’ve extended the early bird pricing – we’re cooking up some serious fun! You can learn more and register at Michelle’s website. Can’t wait to see you! It’s going to…
Tag: visuals
Productivity While Working at Home in a Rapidly Changing Time
I don’t know how it’s felt for you, but for me the last few weeks have been a blur of change. I’ve been here 10 days now, physically distancing, and doing my best to balance work with my home life, my worries with my gratitude. This time hasn’t been as productive as I’ve wanted it…
Website woes – working out the kinks and fixing up the links
I’ve spent a little time with my website here today, updating it to better reflect what’s going on. There’s work to be done yet, but it’s getting closer. The new website should be more responsive to different devices (waving to people reading from their phones, or from their tablets). I work with WordPress these days….
Change is the only constant.
It really is. Change sweeps us up and pushes us along. It’s funny, after 45 I thought my identity was pretty much fully formed. I’ve been a wife, I am a Mom, a Friend, and an Artist, among many other things. A big thing I’ve been over the past 10-ish years is an Education Assistant…
Recent work
Two weeks ago today I returned from Northern BC, where I had another amazing opportunity to work with Shared Care. We were doing something called ‘Family Journey Mapping’. It’s a process in which an individual (or family/ies) has the opportunity to tell their story – how they have navigated a piece of their life, sometimes spanning…
The myriad of ways
I use visuals in my everyday life. There is a huge piece of paper on the wall of my bedroom that I change every 3 months or so – during the 3 months it’s up, it’s fair game for all kinds of personal planning and processes. I’ve included a little picture here of one quadrant of…