Comics and graphic stories are endlessly fascinating to me. Periodically I’ll produce a body of work, generally for my own enjoyment and occasionally for others. As you’ll see below, I like to work both analogue (with pen and ink) and digitally (generally with Procreate on iPad).
January – May of 2023 – I participated in an introduction to Comics and Graphic Novels course (ENGL209) through Selkirk College. It helped add some scholarship to my thinking and expanded the way that I look at my own and others’ comics. I’ve included a couple of the comics produced during that time here, along with some one-pagers completed during 2023.

In October of 2016 I participated in a comic book writing course through Kadenze, from the California College of Art and Design. It was an interesting exercise in the basics of comic book writing. Below are a few of my efforts from the coursework.

I’ve done other comic book work over the years; one of my favorite projects was done in 2015. It’s the story of finding a functioning shower at a music festival (one that I used to work at each summer). Doing this set of drawing was, for me, about creating mood, opening up space and time in the comic, and exploring the idea of autobiography in comic storytelling. These pages were drawn old-school style with pencils, then scratch/dip pen for the inking before scanning individually. If you’d rather page through the comic itself (digitally), I’ve created an issue for public viewing. It can be found here.