As we commence

It’s high time.

I’ve missed blogging a lot. A lot, a lot.

As the internet experience gets further fractured into many different social media sites, the yearning in me has started again for a consolidated, cohesive space to write thoughts and process. I’ve got some hopes for this space.

A long time ago, I had a quilt shop and longarm quilting business. I started a blog waaaaay back then (2006) to support the work I was doing then – and found that, over time, the purpose of the blog shifted.

I had an amazing blogging experience. What I originally expected to be one-way communication ended up being a real conversation with real people. I got the opportunity to show what I was doing, and get real-time feedback from others doing similar or related work. I felt a strong obligation and commitment to the community that I’d become part of, to myself and my own growth as a fibre artist and writer. It was a way of sharing my life, my exploration of creativity, and receiving rich, daily feedback.

The recent years of my life have seen many changes – some small, some big and sweeping. The things that have remained constant for me are making, writing, creating, and most of all – drawing. I’ve built Insightful Ink Graphic Solutions as a way to officially share my drawing work with others since 2011. During these last few years I’ve had some amazing opportunities! I’ve worked with a wide variety of clients, from the ILO branch of the U.N. to local action groups.

It has been a wonderful ride – a ride that I’m ready to expand and make an even bigger part of my life. To connect with others, to start new and interesting conversations, to explore ideas in this open space.

So, thank you, dear reader. Feel free to comment, to share where you come from. To share the kinds of creative work you do.

Thank you for reading.


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