I’ve been back in Canada a little over a week now, settling in to regular life again with a few bumps along the way – the biggest one being that my basement has been taking on water for 8 days now.
I’ve got a sump-pump running down there to keep things as dry as possible, but the water continues to come in at more than 4L/min. I’m hoping the thaw this year finishes soon, and that I can get all the damage fixed and the yard/house modified so that this never happens again!
What I wanted to do when returning from France was this: write. Draw. Apply for grants.
What I’ve done? Work. Haul water.
There’s a lot more water hauling in my future, but in the meantime I wanted to start recording some of the brilliance that was Bernay-en-Ponthieu and Nomadways.
I’ll be recording some of the workshops and energizers we did over the next few posts. They’ll be tagged with the ‘Facilitation’ category, and with ‘Energizers’ or ‘Workshops’ depending on the content.
Please read them, use them, share them. Let’s open-source this brilliance.
Yours in gumboots,